Constructions of the Causation of Negative Emotions in the Buryat Language
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2024-3-9-17
The article examines the constructions of the causation of negative emotions in the Buryat language. The relevance of the work is related to a comprehensive approach to the study of such functional and semantic categories as causativity, which involves the study of the category from the point of view of the interaction of various linguistic facts. The subject of the study is emotional constructions that demonstrate the interaction of the categories of emotivity and causativity. In modern linguistics, there is an increased interest in the problem of the category of emotivity, which is related to the need to study emotions and their representation in language. The emotion of anger is one of the basic negative emotions. The work aims to identify the semantic and structural components of causative constructions that express negative emotional effects and evoke feelings such as anger, irritation, dissatisfaction, and rage in the Buryat language. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that the definition of the main components of Buryat structures, which represent the emergence of feelings such as anger, irritation, and rage, is carried out for the first time. The theoretical and methodological basis of the work is formed by the works of Russian and foreign linguists (V. I. Shakhovsky, A. Vezhbitskaya, K. Izard, and many others). A solid sample of causative constructions contained in the electronic corpus of the Buryat language served as research material. The results show that causative constructions represent a situation with an emotional impact that evokes a certain reaction in the subject. There are sufficient morphological causatives in the Buryat language to indicate the causation of anger. Some peculiarities in their use have been noted. For example, the verb suhald-uul-ha is more frequent than uurl-uul-ha, which can be explained by the fact that the emotion represented by the lexeme uurla-ha ‘getting angry’, unlike suhald-ha, is perceived by native speakers as an inherent human state that has no external stimuli and is not subject to causation. Non-functional, causative constructions are involved in the representation of emotional effects. Polypredicative constructions with circumstantial meaning and components in direct speech are used when describing an emotional stimulus. Instrumentalis, intensifying adverbs, and adverbial forms are used to amplify the meaning of the emotional effect.
Keywords: causativity, emotivity, causative construction, emotive construction, causative verb, emotional effect, negative emotions, intensifiers, Buryat language
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 17
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