The Image of the Family in the Paremiological Worldview of the Khakass
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2024-3-63-72
This article is devoted to the description of Khakass proverbs and sayings that depict the image of a family and family relationships. Currently, many issues related to the description of the image of the family through paremic expressions in the Khakass language have not yet been adequately addressed, which determines the relevance of this study. The authors have concluded that the image of the family is widespread in Khakass proverbs and sayings. It is found in the images of bride/groom, husband/wife, father/mother, children, and brother/sister. The images of bride and groom are represented by the traditional marriage customs of the Khakass, in which the seok (clan) plays an important role. The relationship between husband and wife is governed by behavioral norms based on the principles of equality, friendship, love, and loyalty to each other. Mothers and fathers act as role models for their children, who often inherit their character traits and habits. The mother’s image is endowed with warm qualities and seems more significant than the image of the father, whom his children and relatives respect. Children, brothers, and sisters are the main components of family relationships in Khakass paremiology. The theme of children in Khakass paremiology is emphasized by the emotional and evaluative aspect of perceiving a child as an object of love and tenderness on the one hand and as a manifestation of parental disappointment and bitterness in response to their indifference on the other. The difficulties of bringing up children are addressed, as is the problem of childlessness against the background of the value of a large family. The brother’s image is endowed with the role of protector and supporter of the family, as is that of the sister – with kindness, tenderness, and responsiveness. The preservation of the ethnocultural constants of the traditional Khakass worldview, which represents the highest value of the integrity of the family and the clan, must be observed. The image of the family in Khakass society consists of adherence to the basic principles of mutual help, support, respect for each other, honoring the elders, and caring for the younger ones.
Keywords: image of the family, image of children, proverbs and sayings, paroemia, marital relations, kinship relations, Khakass language
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 63 — 72
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