The Secrets of the Taras Settlements of the Historical Past of the Nomadic Confederations of North Asia
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2024-3-81-91
The article aims to raise the question of the existence of a deep and, therefore, unexplored Uralic Adstratum in the historiography of the nomadic confederation of the epoch of a certain area – Eastern Transbaikalia. The article is devoted to little-studied topics, the range of which is very wide, as they are related to the results of regional archeology and regional historical onomastics. In connection with the aim of clarifying the issues of cultural genesis and ethnogenesis of the Buryats by providing an example of understanding related sciences, the article attempts to solve a number of problems. First, the article describes the etymology of oikonyms, the topological basis of which is connected with the Dagur language. The names of the settlements (oikonyms) illustrate the Daurian historical period of Eastern Transbaikalia. Secondly, the article attempts to connect the unclear aspects of regional studies with historical onomastics using the example of archeological cultures. Toponyms, which in their possible meaning reveal a connection between the ancient Mongolian tribes and a very distant period, illustrate the presence of fortified settlements – taras’. Thirdly, this article aims to comprehensively understand the presence of adstrate-substrate elements of a particular zone as an area of the diachronic Ural-Altai language union due to the contact of different ethnic elements. The stratigraphy of the toponymic substrate and adstratum makes it possible to declare the presence, in addition to the Ob-Ugric substrate, of a deeper adstratum that reveals a connection with the Ural-speaking tribes of Tartaria. The article contains a comprehensive description of the results of regional archeology (including Lake Baikal) and regional onomastics, which makes it possible to assess the scientific value of the question of the ethnolinguistic origin of the era of the ancient Mongolian tribes of the so-called White Tatars. The unknown White Tatars, who belonged to nomadic confederations, are perhaps those mysterious inhabitants of North Asia, from whom the practice of building fortified settlements – Kars and Taras – as well as palace complexes – the Konduisky Palace – has been preserved.
Keywords: fortified settlements – Taras, Kondui Palace, Dagur language, Burkhotuy, Darasun archeological cultures, toponyms, Eastern Transbaikalia, Tartary, White Tatars
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 81 — 91
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