The Concept of ‘Horse and Human’ in the Traditional Worldview of the Khakas (end of the XIX–XX century)
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2024-2-84-93
The Khakas’ traditional way of life and economic activity was connected with horse breeding, which was given an important place. The daily life of the Khakas, the cattle breeders, was inextricably linked to the horse, on which practically their entire life depended – from daily housework to eating. This has contributed to the development of a whole complex of ideas about this domestic animal as the closest living creature to man in the traditional consciousness of the people. In the world view of the Khakas, the horse is not only perceived as an indispensable companion and faithful helper to humans but also as an equal partner in the ‘horse and human’ tandem. This article aims to characterize the concept of ‘horse and human’ in the traditional worldview of the Khakas. The time frame of the work is limited to the late XIX–XX century. The available sources on the research topic determine the choice of this time frame. Ethnographic and folkloristic materials served as the source basis. The study follows the principle of historicism, in which each cultural phenomenon is considered in its development and in the light of a specific historical situation. The research methodology uses historical and ethnographic methods: Remains (relics) and semantic analysis. According to the study results, the author concludes that the positive ideological concept of ‘horse and human’ was among the most important in the Khakas’ traditional culture. This, of course, testifies to the extremely important role that the horse played in the material and spiritual spheres of the life of these people. In the traditional consciousness of the Khakas, the image of this animal is very close to that of man; it is not only understood as a faithful friend and helper of its master but is also endowed with human qualities. The concept of ‘horse and human’ was elaborated in epic works and folk proverbs, sayings, and riddles. In the oral folk art of the Khakas, the images of ‘horse and human’ are inextricably linked. They complement each other and form a whole. In folklore, the ideas about a horse and its owner are manifested through a pictorial parallel. An associative-symbolic comparison is drawn between the behavior of humans and horses. It is noted that the image of this animal is strongly anthropomorphized and is often symbolically identified with humans.
Keywords: Khakas, traditional culture, worldview, the concept of ‘horse and human,’ image, symbol, folklore, socio-normative attitudes
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 84 — 93
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