Formation of Religious Terminology of the Komi Folk Orthodox Movement Bursyylysyas
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2024-1-77-86
Features of religious doctrine, religious practices, and norms of behavior are among the significant group characteristics of confessional communities. This list of religious characteristics and their interpretations can differ considerably depending on whether they are used for identification from the perspective of the group members (self-identification) or identification by others. The understanding of one’s own faith as true and saving faith is reflected in religious terminology and often becomes a decisive factor in the formation of confessional terms. The article analyzes the semantic and pragmatic components of self-designations and key religious terms of the Komi folk Orthodox movement bursylysyas (ver. ‘singers of goodness’), which emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. This study is based on archive and published material from the first half of the 20th century. The bursylysyas movement emerged at the beginning of the 20th century in the Komi villages on the upper Vychegda. The most important elements of the religious practices were spiritual conversations, during which religious hymns were sung in the Komi language, led by a local peasant, Stefan Yermolin, and after his death by other lay people. The religious terminology of the Komi folk Orthodox movement bursylysyas is an example of selfidentification and self-designation, as it refers to certain collective acts performed for religious reasons that unite the group. The self-designation of the religious group and the names of the religious practices reflected the religious and ethical notions of goodness (bur), demonstrated a high regard for their own doctrine, and emphasized the special status of their followers. The names of the leader and his followers – burvystalys‘ 'singers of goodness' / burkyvzysyas ‘hearers of goodness' – were closely linked. The direct meaning of these terms, reflecting certain signs and actions, was combined with additional symbolic meanings denoting the status of a religious leader and his followers. The change of the self-name of the religious group and the name of the spiritual talks after the death of S. Yermolin shows the importance of the personality of the founder of the religious movement as well as the reconsideration of his own role by his followers.
Keywords: bursylysyas, religious terminology, religious practice, confessionym, Komi
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 77 — 86
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