Perspectives for the Archeological Exploration of the Right-Bank Tributaries of the River Keth (using the Example of the Orlovka River)
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-4-84-94
The archeological work of A.P. Dulzon in the catchment area of the river Ket from 1952 onwards has lost no scientific relevance to this day. He paved the way for many decades for historical and cultural studies in the Ket River region. To date, the Ket River has been insufficiently explored from an archeological perspective. Its tributaries on the right bank, which are characterized by a considerable length, remain a “blank spot” on the map of the Tomsk region, as they are difficult to access. In 2020, archeologists organized an exploratory expedition to the Orlovka River, one of the largest tributaries of the right bank of the river Ket. This watercourse has been wellknown to Russians since the 17th century. It is mentioned by travelers and explorers and is recorded in early cartographic materials. In the 1930s, an Evenki nomadic village council was established in its catchment area, which practiced a nomadic farming lifestyle until the 1980s. The main task of the reconnaissance in 2020 was to verify the information of the local population about the presence of archeological sites in the middle and upper reaches of the Orlovka River. Two large settlement complexes were discovered based on the work results. One was located on the banks of the Tura River, the other – at the mouth of the Vtoraya Rechka river. The latter complex includes a fortified settlement with a circular defense system. The dating question of these monuments has not yet been clarified. Random finds from the settlement on the Vtoraya Rechka river indicate that one of the periods in which it was in operation was the late Middle Ages and possibly the modern period. According to written sources, this fragment of the Ket River region was inhabited by the population of the Ostyak Pitkin volost in the 17th to 19th centuries. Most likely, the operation of the settlement complex during this period can be associated with this population group. The results of the 2020 reconnaissance indicate the archeological potential of the right bank of the Ket River and the need to conduct targeted field studies here.
Keywords: Ket river region, Ket uyezd, Pitkin volost, Ket river, Orlovka river, archeology, ethnography, Evenks, settlement, fortified settlement
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 84 — 94
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