Personal Names of the Peoples of Bashkortostan: General Patterns of Development of the Names of Creativity and the Uniqueness of Cultures
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-3-102-109
The article examines the personal names of the peoples of Bashkortostan in the context of the dynamics of ethnic traditions in the context of socio-political and economic changes, as well as the uniqueness of the polyethnic and polyconfessional environment. The general patterns are pointed out, and the difference in the emergence of Orthodox Russians, Bashkir Muslims, and Tatars, carriers of traditional ("pagan") religions of Udmurt and Chuvash, Lutherans, and Latvians becomes clear. In the chronological framework of the 20 – early 21 century, the change in the composition of names of ethnic groups was studied, and the direction from ethnocultural diversity to the formation of a common layer of name Sovietisms and international anthroponyms in the Soviet period was determined, and in the post-Soviet period – a return to some pre-Soviet traditions. Bashkirs, Tatars, and Russians return to the names that existed in pre-revolutionary times. The custom of having two, sometimes even three names was updated (official – for communication, secret – in a religious rite, and one for protection (talismans)). The "pagans" of the Udmurt do not return to the original ethnic anthroponyms because the names borrowed from the Turkic and Russian environment are considered "their own." Among the Chuvash "pagans", since the end of the 19 century, there has been a move away from ethnic "paganism," a transition to common Turkic and Slavic names now considered traditional. In turn, the representatives of the intelligentsia among the Orthodox Chuvash have a preference for pseudonyms – talismanic names of Turkic origin. Latvians, due to the rejection of Soviet power in the years after the revolution, did not have Soviet names but international words, which, however, sounded in their own way. It is concluded that the preservation of traditions is related to the plasticity of ethnic cultures, to the ability to coexist and interact with Soviet, non-ethnic, non-confessional customs to develop through renewal. The namesake of Ulkunda village demonstrates the diversity of ethnocultural phenomena in the Duvan district, which has traditional anthroponyms, Sovietisms, international names associated with toponyms, flora and fauna, chemical elements, household items, famous personalities, and innovations in society.
Keywords: peoples of Bashkortostan, name creation, naming ceremony, traditional anthroponyms, names-Sovietisms
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 102 — 109
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