About the Pragmatic Features of the Mythological Prose of Altai
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-3-47-56
The article is devoted to the pragmatic features of the mythological texts of the Altai from the point of view of the harmonization strategy. This harmonization takes place in the following directions: thanks to the myth, man adapts to the surrounding reality; the myth coordinates the actions and attitudes of the individual towards the surrounding natural world; the perception of the external world through the myth helps the individual to make the surrounding reality understandable (“to humanize”); the mythological worldview functions as a system of basic guidelines necessary for the interpretation of natural factors, enabling members of a given society to know how to behave; myths regulate and legitimize the life of an individual and a society, as they contain explanations and indications of norms for the proper behavior and perception of environmental reality. The various tactics used in these texts are examined from the point of view of harmonizing strategy, especially the statement, praise, blame, directives used to express narrative imperatives, and tactics of presentation, advice, and warning.
Keywords: mythological prose of Altai, harmonization strategy, communicative tactics, mythmaking, mythological thinking
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 47 — 56
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