List of monetary units in the lexicographic document from the XVII century "Звательные рѣчи зырѧнского языка, сирѣчь сирскаго"
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-2-151-163
The publication summarizes the results of a preliminary study of the Komi-Zyryan- Russian dictionary discovered as part of a recently discovered Russian manuscript collection from the XVII century. The study was conducted based on the material of the original digitized dictionary, the facsimile edition of which will be published in the general monograph on the newly discovered collection. Traditional methods of general linguistics and textology, as well as Russian historiography and some auxiliary historical disciplines, were used in the analysis of the dictionary text. The main focus is on one fragment of the document, namely the Zyryan-Russian monetary units, which are considered in the context of the historical state of the financial system and the circulation of money in the Russia of the XVI-XVII centuries. The article gives the structure of the list of monetary units, their elements, and monetary amounts, which were subjected to primary processing and systematization. The author proposes an interpretation of the “Komi money” expressed in national monetary terms (ur ‘kopeck’, ‘shait ruble') and their value relation to the units of the Russian monetary system (denga, altyn, ruble, half ruble). The list of monetary units in the compilation of the Zyryan dictionary also allows you to check the chronological parameters. The structure and nomenclature of monetary units, as well as the ratio of their values, partially illustrated by the Komi text, confirm the document's connection with a difficult period in the history of the Russian state, which covered almost the entire XVII century and, in particular, the period of the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The picture of unsystematic monetary amounts in the Komi and Russian parts, especially in the Altyn series, is related to the state of the financial system during the monetary reform of 1654–1663 when old silver money (denga) and new silver and copper coins of various denominations with a compulsory exchange rate were in circulation simultaneously for a long time. The dictionary material requires further study, as it is of interest not only for Komi and Russian historical lexicography but also for historical research in the field of monetary circulation in Russia.
Keywords: historical lexicography, written documents, the Komi language, monetary units, the financial system of Russia of the XVII century
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 151 — 163
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