Mental maps of urban space among kalmyk youth during COVID-19
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-2-129-141
The article is devoted to the identification and structural and functional description of the features of perception of urban space during a pandemic from the point of view of studying its perception by young people. The author shows the relationships between the elements of urban space as constraints during the pandemic through the image formed in the minds of young people. The study is based on the mental mapping method developed by K. Lynch, which allows visualizing the main features of the city and its space during the Covid-19 period. The aim is to find out what image is formed in the minds of young people in relation to the spaces of the city of Elista. The study was conducted using the structural-functional method and the method of participant observation. The author concludes that the transformation of the urban space under the influence of the pandemic COVID-19 is associated with physical limitations. The image of the city is marked by old boundaries, which indicates the stability of the perception of the image of urban space, fixed in landmarks and gaining recognition in the minds of young people.
Keywords: mental map, representation, pandemic, Kalmyks, young generation, perception, city, space
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 129 — 141
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