Nenets and komi-izhemtsy from the lower reaches of the Pur river (an ethnographic essay)
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-2-114-128
The article deals with the historical processes of the formation of a special ethnic community in the north of the Purovsky district of YaNAO. Its base was the native Tundra Nenets and the newcomers Komi-Izhma. The Nenets, who lived on the lower reaches of the river. Pur, known to the Russian pioneers since the 17th century, resisted for a long time the imposition of their ruler Yasak and the construction of forts on the banks of the Taz Bay. The gradual pacification of the Nenets and the rationalization of the Yasak River led to the lower reaches of the Pur being almost completely forgotten by the Russians, and this area became a "bear corner." Only the development of the fishing industry in the second half of the XIX century reawakened the interest of the authorities in this area. Most of the Nenets were engaged in fishing, leaving their few reindeer in herds. This tumultuous activity of fishermen affected the gathering of yasak and led to the decline of local reindeer herding. During the Soviet period, extraordinary measures were taken to revive reindeer herding on the lower reaches of the Pur River. The dispossessed Komi-Izhemtsy from the western regions of Yamal and Khanty-Mansiysk districts were voluntarily and forcibly resettled here, and the Samburg administrative center was built. The active and enterprising Komi-Izhma brought to the lower reaches of the Pur the advanced methods of reindeer grazing developed over decades. Gradually, local Nenets reindeer herders adopted the Komi-Izhma's new skills to run a profitable economy. As the representatives of the two peoples came closer, individual elements of traditional culture were exchanged. The influence of the Komi-Izhemtsy proved to be stronger. Mixed Izhma-Nenets families emerged. The Nenets mastered the language of the Komi-Izhma. Women from mixed families stopped sewing the traditional fur coats and switched to Izhma malitsa, which differed from men only by a hood made of white deerskin. Today, the processes of urbanization and industrial development of the land on the lower reaches of the Pur River affect the daily life of Samburg reindeer herders and fishermen. Nevertheless, the Nenets and Komi-Izhma continue to lead a traditional economy and preserve a unique culture that adapts to new conditions.
Keywords: Nenets, Komi-Izhma, Pur River, Samburg, interethnic contacts, reindeer herding
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Issue: 2, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 114 — 128
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