Tobolsk Bukharans of Komarovsky Yurt of Tobolsk Province According to Birth Registers of the 19th – early 20th Century
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-1-141-155
This article analyzes the socio-cultural peculiarities of the Siberian Bukharans in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The analysis is based on the material of handwritten mosque books of Komarovsky yurts in Bukhara Volost, Tobolsk province. The authors transliterated and translated the Muslim metrical (mosque) books “On a Note to the Born, on Marriages, Divorce, and Deaths” into Russian. The transliteration and translation of the old Tatar texts bring new source material into scholarly circulation. It is shown that the metrical books contain unique information. This information and some other sources allow one to consider in detail and comprehensively the socio-historical and linguistic nature of the Muslim population of Western Siberia. It turns out that the structure of these documents is uniform and corresponds to the generally accepted standards of the historical period under study. The authors of the Muslim metrical records were imams serving in local mosques. This is evident from the records in the books of marriages and divorces. The Muslim metrical books of the Komarovskaya Mosque preserved information for 27 years, from 1835 to 1852 and 1854 to 1862, during which Suyujbaki b. Gabdelgaziz was the imam of the Komarovsky Yurts. The authors present some facts about the biography of the decreed Imam and compile his genealogy. It turned out that the two books on births and marriages allow us to determine the ethnic and class structure of the studied population in the 19th century. These categories are given in the mosque books of the Komarovsky Yurts and include soldiers, Yazak Tatars, Bukharians. It is typical of the designation of the population of Bukhara that in these handwritten documents, the lexemes bukhartin (бухартин) and sart (старт) are used as equivalents. The authors note that some elements of the regional dialect are recognizable in the transfer of phonetic features of pronunciation of personal names in the graphic design of the word (devoicing) and vocabulary (dialectisms).
Keywords: Tobolsk province, Bukhara volost, Komarovskie yurts, Bukharians, mosque books, birth register, decreed Imam Suyujbaki b. Gabdelgaziz, linguistics and cultural studies
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 141 — 155
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