Conditional Bipredicative Constructions in the Khakass Language
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2023-1-86-101
Based on the modern Khakass language material, this article describes the accepted structural-semantic types of bipredicative structures with the semantics of conditions. Many issues related to the description of complex sentences in the Khakass language have not yet been adequately addressed, which determines the relevance of this study. The article aims to identify and describe the structural and semantic types of conditional bipredicative constructions in the modern Khakass language. A solid selection of examples from works of fiction and folklore texts in the Khakass language served as research material. As a result of the conducted research, the author concludes that three models of bipredicative constructions with a dependent predicative unit of the condition can be distinguished in the Khakass language. The relationship between the main and dependent parts of the bipredicative constructions is established by the common Turkic conditional form =sa (and its phonetic variants) and analytic conditionals with the service word creep 'to be, to become.' Based on semantic features, conditional constructions in the Khakass language are divided into real-conditional and unreal-conditional. Real-conditional constructions are characterized by the fact that the condition in its dependent part is considered by the speaker as really feasible, and unreal-conditional constructions – as not feasible. In real-conditional constructions, the predicate of the main part is represented by the forms of the indicative, the imperative, and the optative, and in unreal-conditional constructions – by the form of the subjunctive mood.
Keywords: syntax, Khakass language, conditional constructions, bipredicative construction, real-conditional construction, unreal-conditional construction
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 86 — 101
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