DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-4-134-142
The article examines the image of the historical motherland formed in the historical memory of the Siberian population. Memoirs are one of the forms of preservation and translation of this image. The different types of memoir texts form the source base of this study. The memoirs written by residents of the Tomsk region in the second half of the XX–beginning of the XXI century are analyzed. The authors of the narratives are the children of post-reform migrants and special settlers of the 1930s. The image of the historical homeland is considered in the spatiotemporal coordinates determined by the structure of historical memory. The author of the article concludes that the image of the historical homeland in the memoir texts appears in spatial coordinates that have a regional dimension. The features of natural and climatic conditions and socio-economic development complement it. The historical homeland appears in the memoirs as a geographical region with a historical past that became part of the family's biography. A look at the texts of the memoirs showed that the image of the historical homeland is perceived differently depending on whether they are voluntary migrants or displaced people. The image of the historical homeland in the memoirs of the special migrants is painted exclusively in a positive light. The anchoring of a positive image in the historical memory of this group of migrants is related to the cultural trauma caused by forced resettlement and the hardships associated with settling in a new place. On the other hand, the image of the historical homeland in the texts of the descendants of the post-Reformation settlers is rather mosaic. Although the positive features predominate, some “shortcomings” are also mentioned. Despite a certain temporal and territorial distance of the ancestral homeland felt by modern Siberians, it is perceived as a native space, a historical motherland with which they are firmly connected.
Keywords: historical motherland, historical memory, post-reform migrants, special settlers, Siberia, Tomsk region, memoirs
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 134 — 142
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