DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-4-111-120
The study of the place of the human body and body etiquette in the traditional culture of the Bashkirs is considered a relevant problem, on the one hand, for a complete description of the culture of communication and, on the other hand – given the lack of research on this problem. Therefore, the aim of the article is to identify and describe the Bashkir body code according to mythology, ancient beliefs, and religious convictions to characterize the communication subjects. The research was conducted on the basis of descriptive, structural-functional, and comparative-typological research methods. A complex approach was used throughout the work, including the author's analysis of philosophical and ethnographic works and field materials. Based on folklore and field studies, the ideals of male and female beauty were defined, and the mythological, religious, and ritual foundations of the representations of the human body were identified. As a result, the traditional culture of the Bashkirs has developed its image of man based on the shape of the head and facial contours, skin color, hairiness, the thickness of hair and eyelashes, size of the forehead, mouth, lips, nose, ears and eyes, while folklore has recorded omens and beliefs associated with body parts. In traditional society, a man was perceived as a specimen and part of the universe. Following this view, the rules of behavior were associated with the vertical and horizontal structures of the human body. Thus, in communication, attention was paid to physical characteristics to determine the communication partner and the rules of behavior with him or her within the framework: earthly (this) – otherworldly (different), man – woman, old – young, ordinary – marked, as well as special attention to parts of the body that were considered containers of the soul. In addition, customs, prohibitions, and commandments regulated nudity according to ancient beliefs and the Muslim religion. In rare cases, nudity of the body was also observed during rites of passage. Thus, the body code of each nation has its peculiarities, the study of which is important to understand the nonverbal signals transmitted in communication, to determine the character and mentality, ideals and values, communication culture and etiquette of this or that ethnic group.
Keywords: Bashkirs, traditional culture of Bashkirs, body, body code, communication, etiquette, body language
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Issue: 4, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 111 — 120
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