DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-1-124-134
The analysis of the words that denote Yakut clothing and its details (components) detects the presence of a peculiar lexical layer, the origin of which requires clarification from the point of view of their source and adaptation in the taken language. This thesis defines the formulation of the task to identify which of them were borrowed. The analysis of borrowings clothing names was carried out with the help of lexicographic dictionaries and represents the initial stage of research. The composition of the borrowed vocabulary is various. This allows us to consider it as separate lexical and semantic groups that cover such kinds of clothing as headdress, outerwear, underwear (pants), shoes and clothing items. These denominations attract attention because they are also found in the materials of the epic text-olonkho which creates the further study of this problem in the possibility of identifying interethnic contacts. The studied vocabulary of borrowing-categories of clothing is closely related to the historical and social changes in the life of the northerners, the features of the natural and climatic conditions of living, their material culture. It was revealed that the most of the borrowed lexemes were included in the Yakut dialects, mainly preserving their phonetic and morphological structure. At the present time, some of the considered words of clothing items are becoming obsolete. The items of clothing themselves are becoming a thing of the past and with them the nominations are forgotten. Therefore, it is necessary to continue studying the accumulated linguistic and factual materials containing rich information about the processes of changing the language and history of the peoples of the North.
Keywords: Yakut language, traditional clothing, vocabulary, adoption, types of clothing, clothing details, evens
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 124 — 134
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