DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-1-92-105
The article is devoted to the identification and semantic-cognitive description of basic lexemes in the Turkic languages of Siberia, included in the conceptual space of happiness. The selected framework for considering the object of research, referred to as a conceptual space, we understand as a set (or conceptual content) of a set of interrelated linguistic and cultural entities, which represent a certain integrity in the conceptual sphere of the language and, in particular, in the consciousness of the linguistic personality. The material for the article was the data of bilingual dictionaries of the studied languages, as conceptual components of the conceptual space of happiness. It was revealed that most of the lexemes we have considered, representing the concept of happiness, are of Mongolian origin: yak: дьол / tof .: чол / soyot .: ҷол; tuv .: кежик, аас-кежик / alt .: кäжик / shor .: кешик; hak .: чырғал / tof .: чыргал / kirg .: жыргал / alt .: jыргал etc. Significant aspects of happiness are success / luck / luck, also expressed in Mongolian borrowings: alt .: мöр / hak .: мöрій; well-being, pleasure: тuv. чыргал / hak .: чырғал. Shor, Tofalar and Altai equivalents of this lexeme show a semantic change towards the concepts of “abundance of food”, “fun”, “feast”, “treat”. Interlanguage equivalents of vocabulary are analyzed from the point of view of the etymological transformation of semantics and their universal and distinctive fragments are revealed. Often the absence of happiness or good luck (тuv.: аас-кежик чок “unhappy”; hack: талаан чох / часка чох “unhappy”; alt .: ырыс jок “unhappy”) is very close to the concept of fate (fate, share). The conceptual space of happiness in the Siberian Turkic languages, as well as in other languages of different structures, is a complex and multi-layered formation that has no clear boundaries.
Keywords: siberian turkic languages, mongolian borrowing, dictionary definition, happiness, conceptual space, lexeme
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 92 — 105
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