DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-1-19-32
In a situation of global cultural leveling and widespread ethnic conflicts, problems which are related to the formation and preservation of national identity of both representatives of the people and the individual arise. This problem is especially relevant in the linguoculturological field of humanitarian research. Meanwhile, the name of the people, nationality is one of the options for the ethnicity of a person. Ethnonyms contain a “genetic code” that allows us to designate defining national features, to distinguish “us” from “them”. The ethnonym itself is highly informative, as it makes it possible to study the ways of belonging to a particular ethnic community, its interaction with the culture and language of the progenitor people, cultural contacts with other peoples, indicates occupation, the confessional affiliation of the representatives of community. The purpose of the article is to analyze the formation, functioning and word-formation potential of the ethnonyms Bukharians, Sarts, which call the ethno-social group of immigrants from Central Asia who moved to Siberia at the end of the 14th–18th centuries and took an active part in the development of this large and rich in opportunities territory. Having gone through a difficult path of historical development, the Siberian Bukharians eventually assimilated with the local peoples, making a significant contribution to the formation of the culture of the Turkic population of Siberia and becoming a significant ethnic component in the structure of the ethnic group of the Siberian Tatars. The material for the study was the monuments of business writing of the 19th — early 20th centuries, including birth records, census documents, official correspondence, petitions, documents on taxes and fees, records on legal procedures, decrees, protocols, reports, etc. which reflected the facts of the economic, political and cultural development of the community of Siberian Bukharians. The sources are both official documents that were used in the office work of the capital's ministries and departments, regional orders and departments, as well as handwritten notes made at mosques in the Old Tatar language in Arabic script. As illustrative material, the records of the authors' field expeditions to rural settlements (2014–2021) are presented. The analysis of the content side of the documents, on the one hand, allows us to trace the ways of forming the self-identity of a separate ethnic community, on the other hand, to see the regional specifics and determine the linguistic potential of self-name terms. Ethnonyms become the basis for the emergence of new derivatives: nicknames, names, patronymics, surnames, toponyms. For the analysis of the onomasticon presented in the article, a descriptive method with its main techniques, that include observation, generalization and classification of the material, was used. For semantic reconstruction, the method of etymological analysis was used, taking into account phonetic and word-formation aspects. The analysis of the formation and development of ethnonyms in the region seems relevant, since new anthroponymic data are introduced into scientific circulation. The study of ethnonyms that name the ethno-social group of Siberian Bukharians makes it possible to give a more complete historical and cultural description of one of the important ethnic communities in the region and expand scientific understanding of the culture and history of Western Siberia as a whole.
Keywords: ethnic identity, ethnonym, self-name, Siberian Tatars, Bukharians, Sarts, Western Siberia, Tobolsk province
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 19 — 32
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