DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2022-1-9-18
The article considers syntactic means of expressing emotions, as well as means of their intensification at the first time in the Buryat linguistics. The topicality of the research is determined by the increasing importance of the anthropocentric scientific paradigm and the little study of the expression of emotions in Buryat constructions. The purpose of this article is to identify and describe the syntactic means and stylistic figures that convey the emotional state of a person, and the means of intensification the expressiveness and emotionality in them. The author adheres to the widespread opinion that the most emotional speech is dialogical speech, which has only its characteristic set of means of expressing emotions. The object of the research is constructions from dialogical speech of heroes in texts. The research methods are linguistic description, context-semantic analysis, introspection. The material of the research was the texts of literary works of fiction by Buryat authors, including those posted in the electronic Buryat corpus. The author examines a variety of emotionally expressive syntactic means (addresses, introductory constructions, incomplete sentences, punctuation) and stylistic figures (rhetorical exclamations, rhetorical questions, repetitions). It is noticed that the expression and emotionality in the constructions under consideration are additionally supported by various means of intensification accompanying full-valued words. The specificity of the Buryat language consists in the use of the infinite forms of the interrogative verb ya- ‘what to do, how to be’ as a means of increasing emotional tension. The same means are used by the interrogative pronoun yun ‘what’ in combination with the polysemic particle geeshe. All considered particles are characterized by emotional diffuseness. The author comes to the conclusion that typical emotive syntactic means and stylistic figures are widely used in the Buryat language, and grammatical participial and adverbial forms from the interrogative verb ya — 'what to do, how to be', and also the interrogative pronoun yun 'what' in combination with the geeshe particle are too.
Keywords: Buryat language, emotive syntax, grammaticalization, means of expressing expressiveness, amplifying particles
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Issue: 1, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 9 — 18
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