DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-4-148-158
The article deals with the issue of documentary reconstruction of the Khakass ethnographer Stepan Dmitrievich Mainagashev’s (1886–1920) genealogy. Until now, there have been gaps in biography of the Khakass scientist S. D. Mainagashev, including an unspecified date of his birth. Despite the presence of genealogical legends about the origin of the Mainagashevs, there was no scientific verification of this genealogical information on the material of church metric books, lists of names and census lists (population censuses). The object of the study is S. D. Mainagashev’s biological genealogy, and the subject is the archival and documentary reconstruction of its patrilineal part. The source base consisted of the funds from such archives as: State Archive of the Krasnoyarsk Region, National Archive of the Republic of Khakassia, Minusinsk Archive. For the first time, unique archival documents on the genealogy of the Mainagashevs are introduced into scientific circulation: from the Askiz Peter and Paul Church — a metric record of the birth/baptism of S. D. Mainagashev in 1886, a metric record of the marriage/wedding of his parents D. A. Mainagashev and V. N. Kyzylasova in 1877, a metric record of the death/burial of the grandfather, ethnographer A. P. Mainagashev in 1866, from the Tashtyp Nativity Church — a metric record of the birth/baptism of D. A. Mainagashev’s father in 1851; data from the last three censuses of the Kazanov family of the Sagai Steppe Duma in 1832, 1850, and 1858; data on the baptism facts of representatives of the family as of 1854. Within the genealogical research, we carried out an examination of the Mainagashevs’ family genealogy, compiled in the 1970s and 1980s by the topographer M. G. Moinagashev on the basis of oral traditions and archival sources. The critical analysis of this genealogical scheme shows that its informational potential needs careful scientific verification with the involvement of church metric records and civil status acts. The further study of the Mainagashevs' genealogy will be devoted to the analysis of genealogical legends, as well as genetic and genealogical testing of modern male descendants.
Keywords: genealogy, Mainagashevs, Ondurovs, revision tale, metric book, National Archive of the Republic of Khakassia, State Archive of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, archive of the city of Minusinsk, Oreshkova
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 148 — 158
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