DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-4-136-147
The purpose of this article is to consider the reflection in the paremic heritage of the Bashkir people of such an important component of the life support system as traditional food culture, as well as the past economic activities of the people. Many Bashkir proverbs originated come down to us from ancient times, some appeared a little later, others-even closer to our time. As the main source, we used Bashkir proverbs translated into Russian from volume 7 of the series “Bashkir folk Art” (Ufa, 1993); The originals of proverbs in the Bashkir language are contained in the publication “Bashkort Halyk Izhady” (Ufa, 1980). A significant contribution to the collection and study of the Bashkir paremic heritage was made by pre-revolutionary and Soviet researchers of the Bashkir territory, as well as modern folklore scientists. Among them, it is particularly necessary to highlight F. A. Nadrshina, whose sphere of scientific interests, among other issues, concerned the study of the paremic heritage of the Bashkir people. The food products mentioned in Bashkir proverbs can be divided into several categories: animal products (meat, milk, eggs); vegetable food (cereals, vegetables, wild roots and herbs); fish, honey, spices, as well as dishes prepared from them. Much attention was paid to the quality of products in the paremias; they also reflect the order of eating; the hospitality of the people, traditional Bashkir holidays and rituals, as well as food prepared for them; food taboos, the observance of which was mandatory in Bashkir society, etc. For example, drunkenness was condemned; vodka was considered the cause of many diseases and even death. Among the people, a careful, prudent attitude to food was promoted, which was also reflected in proverbs and sayings. In the distant past, the Bashkirs, like many other pagans, had certain cults and beliefs associated with food. In addition, the echoes of the lean famine years preserved in the people's memory also provided significant material for the appearance of proverbs about the need to appreciate food. Based on the analysis of the available materials, we can conclude that proverbs are a valuable source for studying the ethnography of Bashkirs, its spiritual and material culture.
Keywords: Bashkirs, nutrition system, food culture, proverbs, holidays, rituals, paremias, folklore, folk art
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 136 — 147
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