DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-4-124-135
The article examines the religious and moral phenomenon of hospitality in the picture of the world among the Russian Old Believers-bespopovtsy Ust-Tsilma, living in the lower reaches of the river. Pechory in the Komi Republic. The source for the writing of the work was the ethnographic field materials collected by the author in the Ust-Tsilemsky region of the Komi Republic and the corpus of Ust-Tsilma phraseological units, proverbs, and sayings identified from dictionaries. As a concept of culture, hospitality is widely represented in paremias, where situations related to hospitality are revealed allegorically, norms, attitudes and prescriptions in the behavior of contacting parties are comprehended, and the value of guest contacts in establishing and maintaining social ties is revealed. On the stated topic, terms and expressions are presented and analyzed that characterize the hosts and guests, depending on various situations (hospitality — inhospitable, meeting — farewell, etc.). The article reveals that hospitality was of great educational value, familiarizing children with the norms of hospitality was based not only on personal observations and examples, but also with the use of stable expressions and texts. The study showed that guest communication brought together not only relatives, but also representatives of the community as a whole. It was revealed that despite the well-known closeness of the Old Believers-bespopovtsy, they showed friendliness and mutual understanding to the representatives of other confessions, provided them with shelter and food. In the picture of the world of Russian Old Believers-bespopovtsy Ust-Tsilma, hospitality was of great importance in the preservation and development of the enduring value of their existence.
Keywords: Russian Old Believers, hospitality, paremia, wanderer, guest, host, treat
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 124 — 135
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