DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-4-111-123
The most important component of the traditional culture of the Ob Ugrians are the cults of patron spirits-outstanding heroes-ancestors. In ancient times, the deified person gradually turned into a means of existence of society, the organization of its life. The cult of the ancestor can be considered as a cultural factor and even a cultural model of traditional society, which served the goals of survival and adaptation of people to new historical conditions, building relationships with the surrounding world. The article considers the image of one of the patron spirits of the Khanty people-the Kazim warrior goddess (also known in literature as Vut-imi or Kasum-nai, etc.), reflected in the folklore of the Kazim and other Khanty groups, Sosva Mansi and Nenets. The “history” of her life points to constant migrations and the development of new territories in ancient times, explains the contacts of the ancestors of the Kazim Khants with neighboring ethnic groups. The purpose of the work is to reveal the nature of interethnic and intraethnic relations of the Kazym Khants on the basis of folklore texts about the Vut by them, based on cultural-historical, descriptive, functional-semantic and typological methods, taking into account existing developments on this topic. As a historical and ethnographic source containing information about the intercultural communications of the Kazym Khants, the author considers both previously published songs, legends and legends about the Vut-im, including information about its zoomorphic images, attributes, epithets; as well as new material recorded by the author from informants. The author notes that the image of the main patron spirit of R. Kazym shows Permian features. Stable contacts with the Mansi territory are clearly expressed in the language, folklore, and cultural traditions. Khanty legends also indicate a significant influence of the Nenets culture (primarily in the field of reindeer husbandry). The mythology of the marriage relations of the goddess with the Khanty heroes reflects the kinship and nature of the intra-ethnic relations of the Khanty: the Kazim group with other local formations (Irtysh, Pim and other Khanty).
Keywords: Kazym goddess, Kazym Khanty, Sosva Mansi, Nenets, patron spirits, interethnic contacts
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 111 — 123
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