DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-4-102-110
This article presents the results of a study of deictic (demonstrative) pronouns in the Khakass language. Deictic pronouns, like other demonstrative words, act as words that serve to determine the degree of remoteness of the object relative to the position of the speaker ("deictic center"). Each language has its own (binomial, three-term, and more) system for determining the degree of remoteness of the subject relative to the deictic center. In the Khakass language, the degree of remoteness of objects relative to the speaking person is determined through a three-term system: proximal ("closer to the speaking person"), medial ("slightly further from the speaking person") and extreme ("far from the speaking person"). In addition, deictic pronouns serve to develop a temporal meaning. In the sentence, the deictic pronouns are assigned the role of the definition and the circumstance of time.
Keywords: deictic pronouns-nouns, deictic pronouns-adjectives, deictic pronouns-numerals, proximal demonstrative, medial demonstrative, extreme demonstrative, Khakass language
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 102 — 110
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