DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-4-47-57
The article deals with adjectives and adverbs meaning ‘loud’ / ‘loudly’ and ‘quiet’ / ‘quietly’ in Hill Mari ( Uralic). The data were collected in fieldwork in the village of Kuznetsovo and in some nearby villages. I relied on the method of elicitation, as well as on the analysis of the corpus of transcribed oral narratives. The material from the published dictionaries was also considered. Studies of the domain in question (although quite rare) in other languages were taken into account as well. The theoretical framework of the article is the frame-based approach to lexical typology, which implies comparing the semantics of lexemes through the analysis of their combinability. I discuss semantic oppositions in the domain under consideration (low sound vs. absence of sound, speech vs. non-speech contexts, special lexemes for human behaviour and environment). Polysemy patterns developed by the relevant lexemes are analysed (the use of intensifiers with broad combinability in the contexts of loudness, the relation to the domain of speed). Some diachronic issues are touched upon, in particular the historical link between the meanings of low sound and low speed. The data are discussed in a theoretical perspective, including the issues of lexical polysemy (cf. papers by E. Rakhilina, T. Reznikova, V. Plungian, among others), caritive expressions in the lexicon (S. Tolstaya, among others), the opposition between a meaning component and an implicature which can be cancelled in a context (E. Paducheva, K. Kearns, among others).
Keywords: Uralic languages, Hill Mari, semantics, polysemy, expressions of loudness, intensification, semantic caritives
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 47 — 57
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