DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-3-158-173
The traditional toy of the northern Selkups, today almost forgotten by them, has not yet been studied by anyone. Meanwhile, it is a vivid fragment of the traditional Selkup culture. The research aimed to return this element of their culture to the Selkup people in the form of a scientific description. Based mainly on museum materials and partly from the author's field materials, five types of toys of the northern Selkups were identified and considered, including six types of dolls. Due to the lack of Selkup material, the method of scientific reconstruction was actively used in the study. Descriptions of the types and types of toys recorded by the Selkups were recreated based on the materials of toys of neighboring peoples. Along the way, it was established which traditions — West Siberian and East Siberian — influenced the formation of the appearance of a particular type / type of toy among the Selkups. The question of the connection between the North Selkup toy — a thing of utilitarian meaning — with the sacred, or, in other words, the question of its symbolic meanings, was considered. The author came to the conclusion that all types and types of Selkup toys in the past were sacred ritual objects, and that in the semiotic status of a toy, the ratio of “sign” and “thing” over time shifted towards the “thing”. The study was completed by the materials included in it on the current state of the traditional North Selkup toy.
Keywords: Northern Selkups, Nenets, Khanty, Evenki, Keto, traditional culture, traditional toy, semiotic status of a thing
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 158 — 173
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