DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-3-139-157
The article is devoted to the problem of linguistic identity of the Kumandy, Tubalars and Chelkans. The article will consider ethnic-language processes, will determine the current position and will char-acterize the future of the ethnic-language situation among the Kumandins, Tubalars and Chelkans. Based on the analysis of archival sources (materials of paperwork of regional authorities, materials of the All-Russian Agricultural Census of 1917), published census data, and indepth interviews, results sociological survey the processes of ethnolinguistic transformation among the indigenous peoples of the foothills of Northern Altai are presented. The study identified factors that influenced the change in the linguistic picture, the consequences of the change for these ethnic groups. It is proved that during the XIX — early XXI centuries. The ethnic-language situation of the indigenous population of the foothills of the Northern Altai has changed dramatically. It is concluded that until 1930s the vast majority of the population of the studied region spoke their native language, despite the work of the Altai spiritual mission. Within 10 % of the total number of indigenous Türkic-speaking inhabitants, mainly men, spoke Russian. In the early Soviet period, including thanks to the programs of the Soviet government to form a network of schools and the organization of “national collective farms”, the distribution of the Russian language among the Kumandy, Tubalars and Chelkans was restrained. In the future, “national” schools and collective farms were closed. The Russian language began to dominate in the public sphere. It is the generation born in the 1920–1930s becomes massively bilingual. The starting point for the leveling of minority languages was the destruction of the environment in which they functioned as a result of the liquidation of unpromising villages and separation from their native language environment due to the migration of young people outside the ethnic territory in the 1950–1970s. Currently minority languages are being lost. The number of their carriers is reduced. The Kumandin, Tubalar and Chelkan languages can retain the interest of indigenous people and the activities of public organizations.
Keywords: indigenous population, Kumandy, Tubalars, Chelkans, Altai, ethno-linguistic processes, minority languages
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 139 — 157
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