DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-3-118-126
This article examines the anthropology of sound in the context of studying the acoustic code and the sound picture of the world as a universal information model in the traditional culture of the Mongolian peoples. Such an information model is a differentiated system of sounds with its own grammatical and syntactic rules, which can not only convey the complexity of a person's ideas about the surrounding world, but also affect it, serving as a guarantee of preserving the world order. The sound of the human voice, which performs a communicative function and has a huge impact on nature and society, is considered in the context of an acoustic or sound code of the steppe culture of the Mongolian peoples. The acoustic code of traditional culture, characterizing the cultural and natural landscape, includes a wide range of sounds from natural to strictly organized verbal and musical texts and is characterized by polyfunctionality. Folk beliefs and legends, which reflect the mythological and religious ideas of the Mongolian peoples, testify to the magic of the sound of the human voice. The article examines the semantics of sound in the exclamatory chants and ritual long songs of the urtynduu Mongols, which represent a special “genetic code” and are an ethnic marker of their cultural tradition. The ritual long songs urtynduu, including chants performed during thunderstorms, melodic whistling or whistling, are closely related to the rite of invoking heavenly grace and the cult of ancestors. They are one of the important components of the integral ritual system, organizing the sound field of the traditional culture of the Mongolian peoples. In addition, the article presents the dotted line phenomenon of sound in the multidimensional space of the shamanic and Buddhist cosmos.
Keywords: sound, sound picture of the world, semantics, traditional culture, Mongolian peoples
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 118 — 126
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