DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-3-81-90
In this article, using examples of handwritten texts of heroic legends and self-recordings by Shor storyteller (kaichi), the collecting activity of the folklorist and the performance of the epic at home are considered. Performing a legend at home is a situation for kaichi that is directly opposite to the generally accepted tradition, when an honorary invitation followed and the performance of alyptyg nybak in a circle of friends and fellow villagers, who perfectly knew the epic tradition of kai The storytellers needed a real audience, an epic environment that would support him on his way beyond the alyp. In the case of one collector-listener-guest, the kaichi, more like a hospitable host, personally thanked him, blessed and bestowed good luck on the alyp. Some storytellers (A. P. Napazakov), in the presence of one collector or in self-recordings (V. E. Tannagashev), completely missed the appeal to the audience. In their room, the storytellers, having lost the habit of performing kai, felt constrained, tuned in for a long time and were forced to perform one epic from morning to dinner, sometimes until evening, if they were in no hurry to go anywhere. However, thanks to confidential communication with storytellers at home, we managed to clarify some “dark places” of the texts, to find out the meaning of archaic words and expressions. Sometimes the collector could make changes to the names of epic works, and the storytellers, trying not to offend the guest in their home, agreed with the opinion of the person who wrote down about the renaming of the legend. Performing alyptyg nybak for one listener-collector in the daytime, the storytellers, for various reasons (mood, haste, arrival of guests, etc.), reduced the performance, which undoubtedly affected the quality of the content of the epic. V. E. Tannagashev has repeatedly reported that due to the limited time, he is forced to shorten the legends, or say it by recitative. Performing legends in an unusual situation, especially for the collector, the kaichi, finding themselves outside the epic environment, did not feel in unity with their listeners, which affected the narrators' remarks and the traditional poetics of legends.
Keywords: heroic epic story, storyteller, listener, collector, performance, self-record, audio record
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 81 — 90
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