DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-3-59-69
The purpose of this article is to analyze the conditions and factors influencing the transmission of the Azerbaijani language in the Azerbaijani community in Moscow among well-integrated and socially successful migrants of the first and second generation. The research complies with the problem of linguistic contacts in the city in the aspect of the sociolinguistic dynamics of maintaining and preserving the language. The choice of the Azerbaijani community was due to the complexity of its social structure, developed connections within the community, the presence of linguistic environment in various domains, a complex sociolinguistic configuration of the languages used, including the relationship between the literary and dialectal forms of the Azerbaijani language and the Russian language. The use and transmission of the language by young Azerbaijanis was considered taking into account symbolic and instrumental dimensions of the language situation. The analysis of both real linguistic practices and linguistic representations of native speakers of the idiom made it possible to solve two problems: to identify the directions of the dynamics of the use and transmission of the Azerbaijani language in conditions of migration and to analyze how the desires of native speakers, their attitudes and linguistic representations correspond to their real efforts to support and preserve the language. The research methodology involved a sociolinguistic questionnaire (70 questionnaires in total) and a series of research interviews with community representatives (6 interviews). Interest in the level of language proficiency and transmission in the younger generation led to the division of informants according to the age criterion into two cohorts: from 18 to 29 years old and from 30 to 65+ years old. Further, we analyzed and compared the language practices of these cohorts. The results of the study show a high preservation and level of language transmission, strong loyalty of its speakers and a positive type of representations in both cohorts. Meanwhile, among the younger generation we observe the dynamics of linguistic practices towards increasing the role of the Russian language and a shift in the use of dialectal and literary forms of the Azerbaijani language; symbolic representations and overvaluation of the affective type prevail in the social image of the language.
Keywords: languages of migration, language situation, Azerbaijani language, sociolinguistic dynamics, language transmission, language practices, language ideologies, language representations, language declarations, instrumental and symbolic function
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 59 — 69
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