DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-2-114-123
The authors consider the vocabulary of Siberian Turkic and Mongolian languages, related to the cult of mountains, land and water in a semantic context with the ritual action. The main languages of the study are Altai, Buryat and Yakut with the involvement of Mongolian, Khakas, and Tuvan parallels. In rites of Turkic-Mongolian people devoted to the host spirits of the area, the general principles of the organization of the sacred space, conceptually similar ritual actions are traced. There are universal attributes and symbols which are illustratory of shamanism and Buddhism. For the first time, a comparative analysis of lexemes, semantics and symbolism of words related to ritual actions and accompanying their verbal context was carried out. The purpose of the work is identifying the preservation, dissemination and transformation of cultural universals with verbal expression. A study of the oldest cultural codes preserved in the subject and actional spheres of rite seems relevant. The concept of a cultural code in the study of rite will provide a key to understanding the cultural picture of the world and allows deciphering the deep meaning of the components of the rite (meanings, signs, symbols, norms, etc.). As a result, we state that there was once a united Turkic-Mongolian tradition of shamanism, which had a common culturally significant system. It is confirmed by lexical material and their ritual context. The considered two main rituals of sacrifice (bloody and bloodless) prove both ancient ties and a stable universal sequence and the preservation of national codes in the ritual event of the Mongolian and Turkic peoples of Siberia. It is revealed that the key lexemes used in the subject code have a universal semantics in the ritual event. Lexical correspondences and similar ritual objects and actions most likely prove the ascension of the rite to single roots with subsequent regional and temporary transformations. It was established that the same attributes of the ritual with a similar or different lexical designation are archetypes reflecting the general cultural codes of the Turkic peoples of Siberia and Mongolian ethnic groups.
Keywords: Turkic-Mongolian people, cultural universals, cultural code, historical vocabulary, rite
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Выпуск № 2
Pages: 114 — 123
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