DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-2-68-78
Translation of three Russian folk tales: “The Little House”, “The Turnip”, and “Ryaba the Hen”, and one A. Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” is analyzed there in the present paper. In the paper these translations are observed for the first time since the moment of their appearance in 1999. The purpose of the analysis is to distinguish lexical and/or grammatical peculiarities of translation of Russian fairy texts into Udihe language. We describe correspondence of titles and characters of the tales, borrowings from Russian into Udihe, translator’s accuracy in interpretation of Russian texts (texts’ adequacy). We come to the conclusion that the translation of two Russian folk tales — “The Turnip”, and “Ryaba the Hen” — completely corresponds to Russian original texts. The Udihe translation of A. Pushkin’s tale is quite close to Russian text although it has several different features. The Udihe translation of the Russian folk tale “The Little House” essentially differs from Russian original text.
Keywords: Russian folk tales, A. Pushkin’s tale, loan words, characters (personages) of tales, adequacy (equivalence) of the translation, difference in translation, Russian language, Udihe language
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Выпуск № 2
Pages: 68 — 78
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