DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-2-58-67
The relevance of this research is due to the fact that in Yukaghir linguistics the verb of the forest Yukaghir language has not been studied from the point of expression of the functional-semantic category of aspectuality. The theoretical and methodological basis was the works of famous Russian scientists in the field of aspectology: Yu. S. Maslova, A. V. Bondarko, V. S. Khrakovsky and others. It is known that aspectuality is a functional-semantic category that includes interacting linguistic means (morphological, word-formation, lexical, etc.) that serve to convey character and distribution actions in time. This article is the first to describe the main morphological and lexical ways of expressing one of the types of quantitative aspectuality in the language of the forest Yukaghirs — iteration. On the basis of the actual linguistic material, it is concluded that specialized morphological (grammatical) and lexical means are used to implement the iterative meaning. The main grammatical inventory of means of conveying iterative meaning in the language of the forest Yukaghirs has been determined. So, the affixes -yi, -ii-, -ui- with iterative semantics are universal, i.e. join the stems of both transitive and intransitive verbs. Indicators of iteration for intransitive verbs are the affixes -y-, -sii-, — (n) dy-, -dya-, for transitive — -t-, -s-. The iterative value is also conveyed by the habitual metrics. In the language of the forest Yukaghirs, the suffixes -nu-, -nun-, -nunu- are used to express the habitual meaning, i. e. regular or constant repetition of an action that is an ability, inclination, or a characteristic feature of a participant in an event. The lexical means of expressing the idea of iteration can include adverbs of time such as pugame ʽin summerʼ, youleme ʽeveningʼ, ideinede ʽsometimesʼ, postpositions such as chichkin ʽduringʼ, designating repeating periods of time; actions such as uskuom ʽusuallyʼ, chuote ʽalwaysʼ, denoting a relatively regular repetition of an action; adverbs of the measure and degree type as atahlid'e ʽtwiceʼ, n'ingel'id'e ʽmany timesʼ, denoting the number of manifestations of the action.
Keywords: Yukaghir language, forest Yukaghir, iteration, habituality, grammatical indicators, lexical means
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Выпуск № 2
Pages: 58 — 67
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