DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-1-47-63
The paper first considers the specifics of color designations in the Altai mythological discourse. The factual material of the research was published and unpublished folklore texts, in particular, myths, legends, tales, shamanistic campaigns in the Altai language. The color code is important in the conceptualization of the mythological picture of Altaians. The national-cultural specificity of color designations in the mythological discourse is due to their compatibility with concepts-nominations, designating various objects and phenomena of the invisible world. Color designations can be the first component of naming the various names of supernatural beings, deities, spirits, or their clothes. The basic colors revealed in the traditional mythological picture of Altaians — ak “white”, kara “black”, kyzyl “red”, sary “yellow”, kÿreң “brown”, kök “blue” and jazhyl “green” — in the conceptualization of mythological, mythical images, objects of the unreal (invisible) world on the basis of their deepest archetypal signs that arose as a result of associative-metaphorical transfer. In combination with mythological concepts related to the Upper World, white is a sign of divine purity, holiness, blue is a sign of heaven, green is a sign of greenery and lighted sky, red and yellow are a sign of the shining sun. In combination with the mythological images of the Lower World, black as the antipode of white symbolizes darkness, death, red symbolizes blood, hellish hell, yellow means withering, disease, evil, blue means cold, ice, water, green — dim light in darkness. When mythological archetypes were refracted into the system of folk ethics, the transformation of the signs “light — dark” into the signs “good — evil” occurred. In addition to the color code, the zoomorphic code of the Altai culture is used in the conceptualization and structuring of the mythological other world, in the modeling of its geographical landscape and the conceptualization of the world.
Keywords: ethnolinguistics, Altai language, color code, color designation, conceptualization, conceptual sign, myth, mythological picture of the world, mythological concept, mythonym
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 47 — 63
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