DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2021-1-188-205
The problem of the formation and development of the Teleut foreign volost (government) of the Tomsk district, where Kalmaks lived, is still poorly understood. The consequence of which were repeated errors and inaccuracies in the interpretation of the territorial, demographic and religious processes related to this sub-ethnic group. In a number of works by modern Siberian ethnographers and historians, there are inaccuracies that sometimes distort the historical picture of the formation of settlements of the Teleut volost, their connection with demographic and religious processes. The source base of the study was archival documents, statistical materials, items from the personal collection of Yurga local historians, as well as the results of a genetic study of Kalmaks of various faiths. The methodological basis of the work is the civilizational approach and the dualistic theory of the ethnos of Y. Bromley, which are based on theoretical and empirical research methods. This article makes a significant adjustment to the definition of the boundaries of the first settlements of “outgoing Teleuts” (Kalmaks) and their descendants, the time of foundation and localization of settlements. The first settlement of Kalmaks was Konstantinovskie (Teleutskie) Yurts on the right bank of the Tom. The article analyzes demographic and religious changes. The process of conversion to Islam and Orthodoxy of Kalmaks took place in the middle of the 18th century. It is shown that the formation of the Teleut volost in the 60s of the 18th century is associated with the general process of creating new allogeneous volosts from groups of Service Tatars. The conclusion is made that despite serious religious differentiation and partial assimilation of Kalmaks, their number increased. The article concludes that the time of existence of the Teleut allogeneous volost (uprava) of the Tomsk district is the period of completion of the ethnogenesis of Kalmaks. Late 19th — early 20th centuries characterized by an even greater rapprochement between the Muslim-Kalmaks and the Tomsk Tatars and the beginning of the stage of the formation of the cultural homogeneity of the community of Muslim Tatars in the Tomsk Ob region. Since the end of the existence of its own administrative-territorial unit, the question of preserving the Kalmaks as a separate subethnos has become aggravated.
Keywords: Tomsk, Tomsk uezd, Teleut volost, «outgoing Teleuts», Kalmaks, Siberian Tatars, ethnogenesis
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 188 — 205
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