DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-4-107-119
The article presents the results of research on the ceramics of two settlements of a local variant of the kulai cultural and historical community from the Tomsk Ob region. The first monument reflects the appearance in Tomsk Ob region population kulai culture and its interaction with the indigenous population shelomok (kizhirovo) culture, which is formed in Tomsk local option kulai KIO. The second relates to the final stage of its existence in the Tomsk Ob region. The main task of technical and technological analysis was to identify the specifics of cultural traditions in the selection of raw materials and the preparation of pottery paste and a comparative analysis of the results obtained. As a result of research, it was found that the potters from Kizhirovo II preferred weak ferruginous and non iron raw plastic clay, used several sources of raw materials, and noted a stable tradition in the selection of mineral impurities (the addition of crushed stone). There is a mix of cultural traditions and interaction of the population. One of the reasons for the presence of vessels from other clays may be due to the new population on the monument. The main cultural traditions on Shelomok III include the use of plastic medium- iron clay and the crushed stone. There is a mix of cultural traditions: local (adding crushed stone) with brought (adding chamotte). Comparative analysis revealed common and different of Kizhirovo II and Shelomok III ceramics. General — the use of plastic clays, the predominance of the tradition of adding crushed stone to the pottery paste, the presence of contacts with the population with skills developed in areas where stone outputs were not available. The difference between ceramics from Shelomok III and other monuments of the Tomsk Ob region is in other skills in the choice of raw materials — the use of medium ferruginous clays that are not typical for the region. The pottery from Shelomok III differs from the ceramics from the monuments located nearby. For settlement Kizhirovo II are characterized by the same tradition, as with other monuments in Tomsk Ob river area.
Keywords: the Tomsk Ob region, Tomsk local version of the kulai cultural and historical commu-nity, сeramics, technical and technological analysis of ceramics, ornament
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 107 — 119
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