DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-4-96-106
The article is aimed at a retrospective social reconstruction of the inhabitants of one ancient settlement – Soshnikovo1, which belongs to the Soshnikovskii stage of the Odintsovskaya culture (the second half of the 4th – the first half of the 5th century). On the basis of historiographic data with the involvement of paleogenetic reconstructions, it has been assumed that the inhabitants of the reconstructed settlement belonged to the Samoyed ethnic group. Following on the ethnographic materials, the authors derived the average data characterizing both individual demographic indicators and some stratification positions. These averaged data were applied to the planigraphic information obtained by archaeological methods in the study of settlement Soshnikovo 1. As a result of a comprehensive study involving ethnographic, paleogenetic and archaeological data, a conclusion has been made about the social organization of the ancient village inhabitants. The inhabitants of the village lived in brotherly families. According to the ethnographic data, the average number of members in one family was about 14 people. On the basis of the average number of families and the average area of the dwelling, an average area of living space per 1 person — about 1.8 sq. m. — has been calculated. The total number of inhabitants of the settlement belonging to all age and sex groups was about 148 people. The planigraphy of the dwelling is characterised by its division into 2 parts: the holy part — for men, guests, located behind the hearth at the far wall of the dwelling and the unclean part — for women, household activities, behind-the-threshold zone. This is evidenced by the accumulation of household equipment (ceramics) in the pre-entrance zone of the dwelling pits. The planigraphic analysis of the ancient settlement made it possible to support the previously stated hypothesis about the demarcation-social, rather than fortification-defensive function of the moat-rampart division line and the presence of certain layers of dependent population, which allows us to speak about the existence of a rigid system of vertical stratification. The involvement of ethnographic data resulted in putting forward a hypothesis about the system of household management and the existence of certain types of land ownership. The article opens discussion on the issue and aims at testing the proposed methodology for its subsequent use when carrying out reconstructions of larger scale on the basis of sufficiently representative planigraphic material of the settlements in the forest-steppe Altai, which belonged, most likely, to Samoyed people and can be related to the final stages of the Kulaiskaya and Odintsovskaya cultures.
Keywords: archaeology, ethnography, paleogenetics, social organization, family, dwelling, de-mography, stratification, reconstruction
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 96 — 106
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