DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-4-30-40
The article deals with the graphical system of a Western Khanty manuscript — the Russian-Khanty dictionary created by the priest Vologodsky (1842). The language of this manuscript has not been described in detail so far; there is only some information about its history. I describe the inventory of graphical symbols used in the dictionary and discuss possible phonological correspondences for each of them in comparison with the data from the contemporary dialects of Western Khanty. The dictionary by Vologodsky has some features from Obdorsk and Berezovo dialects; different elements of the graphical (and phonological) system can show the characteristics of various dialects (thus, in many examples the letters о and а are mixed, which may correlate with the distribution of the phonemes /ɔ/ and /a/ in the Obdorsk dialect, but with few exceptions there is no mixing of the letters ш and с / the phonemes /š/ and /s/, which would be expected in the Obdorsk dialect). For some cases we may, however, suggest that the graphical system of the manuscript does not show some of the existing phonological oppositions (cf. no graphical differentiation for the phonemes /a/ and /ă/ consistently distinguished in Western Khanty). Another issue is the marking of word stress, in particular when it falls on the non-first syllables, and the use of two different symbols for word stress: the primary and the most frequent one, and the secondary one occurring on function words, and also on some content words.
Keywords: Khanty, manuscripts, graphics, phonetics, word stress
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 30 — 40
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