DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-4-9-17
The paper deals with negation markers mar in Chuvash in the context of negation markers in non-verbal predication in other Turkic variesties. The field data (elicited example and texts) were collected in Maloye Karachkino, Yadrinsky District, Chuvash Republic in 2017–2019, so the study concerns the Maloye Karachkino (or Poshkart) dialect. The paper describes in details the uses of negation marker mar and it claims that the negation marker mar has functions of astrictive negation conveying the meanings of identification and attribute of an object. It also negates some locative contexts. The other type of uses concerns with an intrusion of the negation marker mar into the negation of verbal predication. The negation marker mar occurs with some non-finite forms (the future participle on -as-, the infinitive ending on –ma- and the form on -malla). The paper aims to analyze the negation marker mar in Chuvash and additionally put it in the context of Volga and Siberia Turkic languages. There are related negation markers (eves in the Tuvinian language, emes in Tofa, nimes in Khakas and others) in Siberian Turkic languages and non-related ascriptive negation markers (tügel in Tatar and Bashkir, degil in Turkish). As evidenced by different corpora of Turkic languages in Sibiria and Volga, such negation markers have the same core semantic covering ascriptive negation. Their extensional meanings are, however, different, as well as their grammatical features. Thus, this short description may be first step to further research of microtypology of non-verbal negation.
Keywords: Chuvash, Turkic languages, non-verbal negation markers, ascriptive negation
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Issue: 4, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 9 — 17
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