DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-3-161-169
This article discusses the ethnohistorical prerequisites for the formation of some Kazakh tribes belonging to the trial structure of Kazakhstan nomadic population, to the union Bayuli Younger Zhuzes of Kazakhstan. The reconstruction of the historical stages of the formation of the Kazakh tribes is carried out by identifying possible ethno-political contacts that existed at the time, according to written sources and representative materials of oral historiology, between the early medieval populations residing in the territory of western Kazakhstan steppe. The Turkic-speaking tribes settled here represented the Oguz ethnic community (bayats, yazirs, salors, avshars, etc.), which played an important role in the formation of the ethnic core of the consequently formed tribes of the Kazakh Younger zhuz. Historical events of the beginning of the 2nd millennium AD contributed to the emergence of close contacts of Oguz with Kypchaks, which was reflected in the genealogical legends on the origin of the Bayuli generation of Kazakh tribes. The study of these plots is consistent with theoretical approaches based on the well-known concept of the Dakho-Massaget origin of some tribes of the Younger Zhuz, as well as the connecting role of the Oghuz ethnic component in the formation of the Kypchak confederation of tribes in western Kazakhstan.
Keywords: tribal organization of the Kazakhs, Junior zhuz, generation of Bayuly, Oguz, Bersh, Aday, Isyk, Alasha
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 161 — 169
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