DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-3-142-150
Place names, in spite of their denotative character, haven't been the object of close attention of cognitive scientists until recently. However, recent studies in cognitive linguistics have given impetus to the development of toponymy in this direction. The article analyzes both Russian and foreign scientific literature on the cognitive approach to the study of toponymics, which shows that, in general, researchers are cautious with terminology in the cognitive-toponymic context, preferring to replace the word combination «cognitive toponymy» with descriptive constructions. The author asks the question about the expediency of introducing the term «cognitive toponymy» and substantiates the conclusion about its necessity in onomastic terminology system. The article develops definitions for the concepts of «cognitive toponymy» and «cognitive toponym», makes assumptions about the goals and objectives of cognitive toponymy as a science. The close connection between scientific-cognitive approach and toponymy is supported by examples. Particular emphasis is made on the role of visual and mental perception in place naming. In the author’s opinion, the future lies with the complex method of studying toponymic units within the cognitive analysis of geographical names in combination with statistical analysis, historical and geographical reconstruction, descriptive method and GIS mapping method.
Keywords: toponymy, cognitive approach, onomastics, concept, term
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 142 — 150
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