DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-3-115-127
Complexes of stone pieces and products of its knapping are found on settlement sites of the Lower Tom river basin. These artifacts are a meaningful source of knowledge about the economy of the ancient inhabitants of the lower reaches of the river Tom in the Neolithic and Bronze Age. Over the past few decades, a number of settlement and burial complexes of this period have been discovered and partially investigated. But there is still no holistic scheme for the development of flintknapping by the ancient population in the Neolithic and Bronze Age in the territory of the Lower Tom river basin. At the same time, the information potential of the colossal volume of materials accumulated by previous researchers has not been fully disclosed. One of the possible solutions to this complex of problems is a comparative analysis of stone pieces and products of its knapping from various archaeological sites of the Neolithic and Early Bronze Ages. The use of modern methods of statistical processing of mass archaeological material allows us to solve this problem by determining the occurrence of various signs in the studied categories of artifacts. The combined use of morphological typology and statistical analysis in the scientific literature is called the attributive approach. The primary result of the study is the allocation of approach significant characteristics of the stone industry of the Samuska III settlement. This information, obtained by statistical analysis of the stone industry, allows you to create a starting point in building a regional scheme for the development of stone knapping technology in the Neolithic and Bronze Age in the territory of the Lower Tom river basin. Highlighted characteristic features of this industry will be used as the basis for subsequent comparative and analytical activities. The presence of certain products in the materials from the Samuska III settlement in conjunction with the results obtained allows us to conduct full-scale experiments and technological modeling of the process of stone knapping to verify the results of analytical procedures. This fact actualizes a number of problems on the study of the Stone Age of the river basin Tom.
Keywords: Samus, Tom, Paleometall, pre-Andron Period, microliths, industry, analysis, statistics, attribute
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 115 — 127
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