DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-3-44-57
The aim of this work is to describe the syntactic features of one of the first written monuments in southern Selkup by St. Macarius (Nevsky) «Conversations About the True God and True Faith in the Dialect of Ob Ostyaks». The analyzed material is included in the Central-Ob dialect of the Selkup language. The translation of the monument into Selkup was made by St. Macarius from the Altaic language. The literal Russian translation is also attached to the text. The text of the monument was analyzed to identify the order of the main constituents of the sentence: S — subject, V — predicate, O — direct object. The dominant word orders of the text are SOV, SV и OV, which fully correspond to the word order in Samoyedic languages in general and in Selkup in particular. Special constructions consisting of an imperfect converb and a verb, as well as infinite clauses with a nomen actionis in the locative case to express the circumstance of time, are spread in the text. When compared with modern Middle-Ob texts, constructions with imperfect converbs and verbs are still frequent, while examples with a nomen actionis in the locative case are absent. Instead of them finite clauses with the connectives and connective words are used. The conjunctionless link type of the homogeneous parts of the sentence, as well as of complex sentences, is common. Connectives and connective words, including those borrowed from the Russian language, are also used. Comparing the obtained data with modern materials on the Middle-Ob dialect, no significant changes are noted in this aspect. The conjunctionless link type of the homogeneous parts of the sentence, as well as of complex sentences, is combined with parallel use of connectives and connective words, including those borrowed from the Russian language. Comparing the obtained data with modern materials on the Middle-Ob dialect, the use of connectives and connective words gained a foothold.
Keywords: Selkup language, Middle-Ob dialect, syntax
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 44 — 57
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