DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-3-32-43
The paper deals with the basic types of qualitativeness category particularly predicative qualitativeness and the language means of expressing it from the standpoint of functional grammar approach. It is shown that three types of predicative qualitativeness are identified in Ket. These are adjective-predicative, substantive-predicative and verbal-predicative ones. Adjective-predicative qualitativeness is expressed by adjective predicates, substantive-predicative qualitativeness — by compound nominal predicates and verbal-predicative qualitativeness — by predicates including finite conjugated verb forms. The basic inventory of language means forming predicative qualitative predicates is identified. The inventory includes underived qualitative adjectives, derived relative adjectives formed by means of the derivative suffix =ту, caritive adjectives, nonverbal substantive predicates denoting substantive-predicative qualitativeness; participles or infinitives; substativized complex modifiers; compound adjectives derived by means of the suffix =ту forming adjectives. The paper analyzes non-verbal means of denoting predicative qualitativeness, i.e. the predicates having as a head a word which doesn’t belong to the class of autosemantic verbs irrespective of the fact whether there is a verbal copula in the predicate structure. Two principal strategies of coding qualitative predicates have been identified including a person and number coding strategy which involves marking the non-verbal predicate by the affixes showing agreement with the subject of the qualitative construction in the categories of person, number and class (gender) and non-personal coding strategy implying the use of the suffix =сʹ (singular) — =сʹ=ин (plural) which allows for agreement with the subject only in the category of number. It is shown that there are cases of alternative coding of non-verbal qualitative predicates using either a person and number coding strategy or a non-personal strategy. The evidence that the grammatical category of degrees of comparison is not found in Ket qualitative adjectives is provided. The comparative and superlative notions are expressed by the syntactic constructions formed on the basis of adjectival qualitative predicates.
Keywords: category of qualitativeness, predicative qualitativeness, non-verbal predicates, personal and non-personal coding strategies, adjective, comparative and superlative syntactic constructions
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 32 — 43
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