DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-2-160-170
The research is dedicated to revealing and analyzing of archival materials from the fund of the Altai ecclesiastical mission (State archive of the Altai Krai, Fund 164) that concern the specifics of ethnocultural identity of the Russian population who lived at the territory (Gorny Altai and low elevational parts of the Altai) that referred to the running of this mission. The religious identity of the people is seen as closely connected to the ethnocultural identity and is its important integral part. The finding of these materials is believed of much relevance, for it allows using the method of integration of archival and field ethnographical resources and further obtaining of a more clear picture of the specific features in the ethnocultural identity of the Russians, and how it was transformed in conditions of the foreign surrounding and multiconventional environment. The study of the observations of missionaries of the 20th century is especially interesting due to its potential to reflect processes that followed the declaration of freedom of worship in 1905. The studied materials show a growing activity in the sphere of religion among Old Believers and alienation from church among the Orthodox believers. The research reveals a particular competition between the Orthodox church and the communities of Old Believers to have more parishioners, which was a specially evident problem at settlements with confessionally mixed relationships. The research discovers processes of transformation of the identity of people, such as transferring of from the Orthodox church to Old Believers and on the contrary visa versa, what is still noticed much rarer. There were cases of leaving one Old Beleivers’ community for another, and these cases most interesting explosion of the transformation processes of the ethnocultural identity. The work also names the most common reasons of these transformative changes, which were largely dependent on practical perspectives of the people, including willing to get married again, or acquiring a more lucrative economic conditions. The missionaries note in their records a number of most essential ethnocultural markers that belong to the Old Belief, such markers that not only concern rituals, but referring to the outlook of a person, his clothes, accepting or not accepting some new things in life. In general, one can say that in the beginning of the 20th century in Gorny Altai and its neighboring low elevations in Russia the ethnocultural composition of the Russian population was quite varied and was subject to different transformation processes of the ethnocultural identity.
Keywords: ethnocultural identity, religious identity, transformations of identity, Orthodox parishioners, Old Believers, Austrians, starikovschina, Gorny Altai
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 160 — 170
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