DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-2-149-159
The paper is devoted to the development of animal husbandry among the Narym Selkups in the period 1920–1940. The analysis of the sources showed that at this period, Selkups maintained a steady interest in animal husbandry, which became an integral part of the ethnic culture for many of them. The paper focuses on the development of animal husbandry in the Tym river basin. In a short period of time Tym Selkups were able to join the livestock breeding tradition and include the maintenance of domestic animals in the scope of their economic activities. At the same time, if at the earlier stages, when the Central Ob Selkups acquainted with animal husbandry, and throughout the nineteenth century, the process of consolidating the skills to maintain livestock was natural (evolutionary), then during this period of time the conditions for external (state-administrative) influence on development of the Selkup livestock breeding tradition manifested greatly. This “external” influence was primarily due to the economic and ideological attitudes of this time. As a result, it is stated that in the twentieth century livestock breeding has firmly entered the culture of Selkups, radically changing their traditional way of life and economic priorities.
Keywords: The middle Ob Selkups, traditional agriculture, livestock, collectivization, the change of culture
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 149 — 159
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