DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-2-118-126
In Turkic-Mongolian mythology the most common appealing to the deity during ceremonial actions (veneration of celestial beings, spirits of ancestors, spirits of mountains and fire) is the word khairkhan / kairakan. The article is devoted to the meanings of this word in Turkic and Mongolian rite acts, revealing of their differences depending on traditions, rite action, language features in the diachronic aspect. The analysis of the theonym khayrkhan / kairakan of Mongolian peoples in comparison with Siberian Turks of the Sayan-Altay area from the point of view of preservation and transformation of the code word in the rite tradition seems relevant. The author aims to identify from a semiotic point of view the meaning of the theohym khairkhan, and its connotations, fixed in tradition. The etymology of the word khairkhan in the Mongolian and Turkic languages of the Sayan-Altay area has been considered. The mythological semantics of this word have been studied on material of the rite texts of Mongolian and Turkic peoples. The main denotations, such as the supreme deity, the guardian spirit (spirits of mountains, fire, ongon-spirits), and totem (bear, snake) were revealed. Depending on the cultural experience of the people, the denotation of theonym changes in different language environments, rite tradition and time continuum. It is assumed that strict observance of ritual, prescribed behavior, transmission of formula expressions without changes contributed to preservation of this word as a key word in the memory of the collective. Its mythological background with ancient sacred roots sounds as echo in ritual action. It is established that khairkhan / kairakan is one of the oldest symbols of the deity in the Turk- Mongolian tradition. If one considers the theonym without going beyond the sustainable cultural context, in Turk-Mongolian mythology it is used in its basic denotative meaning as giving mercy. The author concludes that theonym khairkhan / kayrakan, while maintaining its archetypal mythological meaning, is a steady code word in the Turk-Mongolian rite tradition.
Keywords: tradition, mythology, ceremony, worship, deity, spirit, fire, mountain
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 118 — 126
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