DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-2-90-96
This article presents the results of the study of deictic locative adverbs in the Khakass language. Deictic locative adverbs, like other demonstrative words, characterize the position of an object by the degree of proximity to the speaking person ("deictic center"). Each language has its own (binomial, trinomial and more) system of division of space with respect to the deictic center. In Khakass, the position of an object in space relative to the speaker is determined through a three-membered system: proximal ("closer to the speaking face"), medial ("slightly farther from the speaking face"), and extreme ("far from the speaking face"). Each system includes locative, adlocative, delocative, and translocative values. Locative deictic adverbs perform the function of the Union of words in the composition biprediction designs place. In the sentence, these adverbs play the role of the circumstance of place. In addition, some dialects of the extreme deixis are used for the development of temporal values.
Keywords: deixis, anaphora, deictic locative adverbs, adverbs of proximal, medial and extreme deixis, Khakass language
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 90 — 96
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