DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-2-66-76
The article analyzes the structure and meanings of the forms of the Ket reflexive pronoun “self” in typological comparison with similar pronouns in the languages of different systems from synchronic and diachronic point of view. The typological connection of the definitive and reflexive meanings of the pronoun “self” is emphasized in the structural-semantic analysis of word forms expressing them. Then a description of the word form “bin’ ”in the Ket language is given. The declension tables of the considered pronoun are compared with the declension of personal Ket pronouns and nouns. The meanings of the case forms of the pronoun “bin’”, supported by examples of the use of these forms in speech, are described. Forms of the genitive case express a possessive relationship with the meaning of "one’s own". From typological point of view first of all, the data of the Yenisei Kott language are analyzed. Next, material from the languages of Burushaski, Altai, Sanskrit, Dagestan, Finno-Ugric and others is attracted. It is noted that there are few typological examples of the pronoun-deictic origin of the pronoun “self”, however they are available in languages of different genetic groups. Diachronic-typological analysis of the data provided allowed the author to conclude that the Ket pronoun “bin’” is the oldest example of word formation in the language as a whole, it witnesses such a period in the development of the language, when each structure element had its own meaning.
Keywords: pronoun bin', Ket language, deictic particles, predicative forms, reflexive pronoun, Burushaski language, Indo-European languages, Finno-Ugric languages
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 66 — 76
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