DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-2-30-45
This study concerns with the main difficulties connected to the mapping of the nomadic peoples and their languages compared to the mapping of the sedentary peoples and languages. Among those difficulties are huge areas with no clear borders between them, very low population density, high personal, family and seasonal mobility, overlapping of winter pastures of one ethnic groups with summer pastures of another groups, transition of migration routes might through other group area, extensive multilingualism and lack of data. Quite surprisingly for an outside observer, the most part of Eurasian Circumpolar area were inhabited until recently by nomadic or semi-nomadic groups. Several types of life-styles are defined in the article: full (whole-family) nomadic pastoralism with herds of domestic reindeer, partial (male only) nomadic pastoralism with herds of domestic reindeer; (nomadic) hunting and gathering (sometimes together with occasional nomadic pastoralism). During Soviet period many of nomadic ethnic groups switched to mostly sedentary style of life. In the article, the history of cartography of peoples and languages of Russian North in 19th –20th centuries is shown. Then the existing sources for modern maps are discussed. Finally, a several ways of visualisation are proposed which let us show adequately not only nomadic and semi-nomadic ethnic groups but also their languages. Those ways are illustrated with maps.
Keywords: mapping, Circumpolar languages, Arctic, Northern peoples, nomads, reindeer husbandry, tundra
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Issue: 2, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 30 — 45
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